A Midsummer Night's Dream

 A Midsummer Night’s Dream

1.       Who wrote this? _____________________________________________________________________________

2.       What can men change into? ____________________________________________________________________

3.       Fill in the blank… A ______________ forest.

4.       Who was Theseus? ___________________________________________________________________________

5.       What was Theseus about to marry? ______________________________________________________________

6.       How many days until the wedding? ______________________________________________________________

7.       Who said to Hippolyta, “I met you on the battlefield my dear, but I will marry you in a happier time and place”? ___________________________________________________________________________________________

8.       How did the old man greet Theseus? _____________________________________________________________

9.       Did Theseus discard the old man or welcome him? __________________________________________________

10.   Who was the old man talking to Theseus about? ____________________________________________________

11.   Who does Hermia love? ________________________________________________________________________

12.   Who did Demetrius love first? ___________________________________________________________________

13.   What is the consequence for marrying a man other than who the daughter’s father desires? ________________

14.   How many days was Hermia given to decide? ______________________________________________________

15.   Does Hermia’s love have a plan? _________________________________________________________________

16.   Where are Hermia and her love planning to go to be married? _________________________________________

17.   Who lives where the laws of Athens cannot touch the young couple? ___________________________________

18.   Where are they going to meet? __________________________________________________________________

19.   Was Helena mad at Hermia? _______________ Why? _______________________________________________

20.   Did the young couple tell Helena their plans? ____________ What are their plans? ________________________

21.   What did Helena plan to do? ____________________________________________________________________

22.   Who is Peter Quince? _________________________________________________________________________

23.   Who decided to put on a play for the wedding? _____________________________________________________

24.   What play did they choose to do? ________________________________________________________________

25.   Did Bottom want to roar like a lion? ______________________________________________________________

26.   Where are the workmen going to meet to rehearse their lines? ________________________________________

27.   Who was ahead of the young lovers and the actors in the forest? ______________________________________

28.   What is Spirit doing? __________________________________________________________________________

29.   What happened between Oberon and Titania? _____________________________________________________

30.   Why are they arguing? _________________________________________________________________________

31.   What does the queen offer to do when she meets the fairy king? ______________________________________

32.   Does the queen offer for the king to stay? ___________________ His reply? _____________________________

33.   Did the two end on a peaceful note? ___________ Why? _____________________________________________



1.       Theseus __________

2.       Hippolyta __________

3.       Puck __________

4.       Hermia __________

5.       Demetrius  __________

6.       Helena __________

7.       Spirit __________

8.       Lysander __________

9.       Titania __________

10.   Oberon __________

11.   Egeus __________


a.       The king of the fairies

b.      Hermia’s betrothed

c.       The fairy queen

d.      Hermia’s friend who loves Demetrius

e.      Hermia’s love

f.        The Amazon Queen

g.       A fairy

h.      Egeus’ daughter

i.         The elf

j.        The Duke of Athens

k.       The old man